Player Entity Controller
The PlayerEntityController class is responsible for the default player movement controls of a PlayerEntity in HYTOPIA.
The PlayerEntityController is automatically assigned as the controller of a new PlayerEntity instances anytime one is created if you do not provide your own entity controller.
The current implementation of the SDK's internal PlayerEntityController can be found for reference below.
/** Options for creating a PlayerEntityController instance. @public */
export interface PlayerEntityControllerOptions {
/** A function allowing custom logic to determine if the entity can jump. */
canJump?: () => boolean;
/** A function allowing custom logic to determine if the entity can walk. */
canWalk?: () => boolean;
/** A function allowing custom logic to determine if the entity can run. */
canRun?: () => boolean;
/** The upward velocity applied to the entity when it jumps. */
jumpVelocity?: number;
/** The normalized horizontal velocity applied to the entity when it runs. */
runVelocity?: number;
/** Whether the entity sticks to platforms, defaults to true. */
sticksToPlatforms?: boolean;
/** The normalized horizontal velocity applied to the entity when it walks. */
walkVelocity?: number;
* The player entity controller implementation.
* @remarks
* This class extends {@link BaseEntityController}
* and implements the default movement logic for a
* entity. This is used as the default for
* players when they join your game. This class may be extended
* if you'd like to implement additional logic on top of the
* PlayerEntityController implementation.
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Create a custom entity controller for myEntity, prior to spawning it.
* myEntity.setController(new PlayerEntityController(myEntity, {
* jumpVelocity: 10,
* runVelocity: 8,
* walkVelocity: 4,
* }));
* // Spawn the entity in the world.
* myEntity.spawn(world, { x: 53, y: 10, z: 23 });
* ```
* @public
export default class PlayerEntityController extends BaseEntityController {
* A function allowing custom logic to determine if the entity can walk.
* @param playerEntityController - The entity controller instance.
* @returns Whether the entity of the entity controller can walk.
public canWalk: (playerEntityController: PlayerEntityController) => boolean = () => true;
* A function allowing custom logic to determine if the entity can run.
* @param playerEntityController - The entity controller instance.
* @returns Whether the entity of the entity controller can run.
public canRun: (playerEntityController: PlayerEntityController) => boolean = () => true;
* A function allowing custom logic to determine if the entity can jump.
* @param playerEntityController - The entity controller instance.
* @returns Whether the entity of the entity controller can jump.
public canJump: (playerEntityController: PlayerEntityController) => boolean = () => true;
/** The upward velocity applied to the entity when it jumps. */
public jumpVelocity: number = 10;
/** The normalized horizontal velocity applied to the entity when it runs. */
public runVelocity: number = 8;
/** Whether the entity sticks to platforms. */
public sticksToPlatforms: boolean = true;
/** The normalized horizontal velocity applied to the entity when it walks. */
public walkVelocity: number = 4;
/** @internal */
private _stepAudio: Audio | undefined;
/** @internal */
private _groundContactCount: number = 0;
/** @internal */
private _platform: Entity | undefined;
* @param options - Options for the controller.
public constructor(options: PlayerEntityControllerOptions = {}) {
this.jumpVelocity = options.jumpVelocity ?? this.jumpVelocity;
this.runVelocity = options.runVelocity ?? this.runVelocity;
this.walkVelocity = options.walkVelocity ?? this.walkVelocity;
this.canWalk = options.canWalk ?? this.canWalk;
this.canRun = options.canRun ?? this.canRun;
this.canJump = options.canJump ?? this.canJump;
this.sticksToPlatforms = options.sticksToPlatforms ?? this.sticksToPlatforms;
/** Whether the entity is grounded. */
public get isGrounded(): boolean { return this._groundContactCount > 0; }
/** Whether the entity is on a platform, a platform is any entity with a kinematic rigid body. */
public get isOnPlatform(): boolean { return !!this._platform; }
/** The platform the entity is on, if any. */
public get platform(): Entity | undefined { return this._platform; }
* Called when the controller is attached to an entity.
* @param entity - The entity to attach the controller to.
public attach(entity: Entity) {
this._stepAudio = new Audio({
uri: 'audio/sfx/step/stone/stone-step-04.mp3',
loop: true,
volume: 0.1,
attachedToEntity: entity,
entity.lockAllRotations(); // prevent physics from applying rotation to the entity, we can still explicitly set it.
* Called when the controlled entity is spawned.
* In PlayerEntityController, this function is used to create
* the colliders for the entity for wall and ground detection.
* @param entity - The entity that is spawned.
public spawn(entity: Entity) {
if (!entity.isSpawned) {
throw new Error('PlayerEntityController.createColliders(): Entity is not spawned!');
// Ground sensor
shape: ColliderShape.CYLINDER,
radius: 0.23,
halfHeight: 0.125,
collisionGroups: {
belongsTo: [ CollisionGroup.ENTITY_SENSOR ],
collidesWith: [ CollisionGroup.BLOCK, CollisionGroup.ENTITY ],
isSensor: true,
relativePosition: { x: 0, y: -0.75, z: 0 },
tag: 'groundSensor',
onCollision: (_other: BlockType | Entity, started: boolean) => {
// Ground contact
this._groundContactCount += started ? 1 : -1;
if (!this._groundContactCount) {
entity.startModelOneshotAnimations([ 'jump_loop' ]);
} else {
entity.stopModelAnimations([ 'jump_loop' ]);
// Platform contact
if (!(_other instanceof Entity) || !_other.isKinematic) return;
if (started && this.sticksToPlatforms) {
this._platform = _other;
} else if (_other === this._platform && !started) {
this._platform = undefined;
// Wall collider
shape: ColliderShape.CAPSULE,
halfHeight: 0.31,
radius: 0.38,
collisionGroups: {
belongsTo: [ CollisionGroup.ENTITY_SENSOR ],
collidesWith: [ CollisionGroup.BLOCK, CollisionGroup.ENTITY ],
friction: 0,
frictionCombineRule: CoefficientCombineRule.Min,
tag: 'wallCollider',
* Ticks the player movement for the entity controller,
* overriding the default implementation.
* @param entity - The entity to tick.
* @param input - The current input state of the player.
* @param cameraOrientation - The current camera orientation state of the player.
* @param deltaTimeMs - The delta time in milliseconds since the last tick.
public tickWithPlayerInput(entity: PlayerEntity, input: PlayerInput, cameraOrientation: PlayerCameraOrientation, deltaTimeMs: number) {
if (!entity.isSpawned || ! return;
super.tickWithPlayerInput(entity, input, cameraOrientation, deltaTimeMs);
const { w, a, s, d, sp, sh, ml } = input;
const { yaw } = cameraOrientation;
const currentVelocity = entity.linearVelocity;
const targetVelocities = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
const isRunning = sh;
// Temporary, animations
if (this.isGrounded && (w || a || s || d)) {
if (isRunning) {
const runAnimations = [ 'run_upper', 'run_lower' ];
entity.stopModelAnimations(Array.from(entity.modelLoopedAnimations).filter(v => !runAnimations.includes(v)));
} else {
const walkAnimations = [ 'walk_upper', 'walk_lower' ];
entity.stopModelAnimations(Array.from(entity.modelLoopedAnimations).filter(v => !walkAnimations.includes(v)));
this._stepAudio?.play(, !this._stepAudio?.isPlaying);
} else {
const idleAnimations = [ 'idle_upper', 'idle_lower' ];
entity.stopModelAnimations(Array.from(entity.modelLoopedAnimations).filter(v => !idleAnimations.includes(v)));
if (ml) {
entity.startModelOneshotAnimations([ 'simple_interact' ]); = false;
// Calculate target horizontal velocities (run/walk)
if ((isRunning && this.canRun(this)) || (!isRunning && this.canWalk(this))) {
const velocity = isRunning ? this.runVelocity : this.walkVelocity;
if (w) {
targetVelocities.x -= velocity * Math.sin(yaw);
targetVelocities.z -= velocity * Math.cos(yaw);
if (s) {
targetVelocities.x += velocity * Math.sin(yaw);
targetVelocities.z += velocity * Math.cos(yaw);
if (a) {
targetVelocities.x -= velocity * Math.cos(yaw);
targetVelocities.z += velocity * Math.sin(yaw);
if (d) {
targetVelocities.x += velocity * Math.cos(yaw);
targetVelocities.z -= velocity * Math.sin(yaw);
// Normalize for diagonals
const length = Math.sqrt(targetVelocities.x * targetVelocities.x + targetVelocities.z * targetVelocities.z);
if (length > velocity) {
const factor = velocity / length;
targetVelocities.x *= factor;
targetVelocities.z *= factor;
// Calculate target vertical velocity (jump)
if (sp && this.canJump(this)) {
if (this.isGrounded && currentVelocity.y > -0.001 && currentVelocity.y <= 3) {
targetVelocities.y = this.jumpVelocity;
// Apply impulse relative to target velocities, taking platform velocity into account
const platformVelocity = this._platform ? this._platform.linearVelocity : { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
const deltaVelocities = {
x: targetVelocities.x - currentVelocity.x + platformVelocity.x,
y: targetVelocities.y + platformVelocity.y,
z: targetVelocities.z - currentVelocity.z + platformVelocity.z,
const hasExternalVelocity =
Math.abs(currentVelocity.x) > this.runVelocity ||
Math.abs(currentVelocity.y) > this.jumpVelocity ||
Math.abs(currentVelocity.z) > this.runVelocity;
if (!hasExternalVelocity || this.isOnPlatform) { // allow external velocities to resolve, otherwise our deltas will cancel them out.
if (Object.values(deltaVelocities).some(v => v !== 0)) {
const mass = entity.mass;
entity.applyImpulse({ // multiply by mass for the impulse to result in applying the correct target velocity
x: deltaVelocities.x * mass,
y: deltaVelocities.y * mass,
z: deltaVelocities.z * mass,
// Apply rotation
if (yaw !== undefined) {
const halfYaw = yaw / 2;
x: 0,
y: Math.fround(Math.sin(halfYaw)),
z: 0,
w: Math.fround(Math.cos(halfYaw)),
Diving Deeper
The PlayerEntityController class is constantly evolving. You can find the latest PlayerEntityController API Reference here.
If there are features that we don't currently support for the PlayerEntityController that you'd like to see added to the HYTOPIA SDK, you can submit a feature request here.
Last updated